Oct 31, 2020
An interview with Dustin Spence a playwright from Chicago USA, we discuss the important role of store theatres, the political movements in the USA, how this is interacting with the arts and how the theatre scene in Chicago is giving birth to new ideas in the Covid 19 era.
Oct 28, 2020
We interview Clara Paillard, president of the PCS union culture sector on the initiative of Unions from the UK, France and Italy that have announced a joint declaration to fight for arts and culture that have been devastated by the capitalist economic crises. Is this the first step in a serious fightback for...
Oct 24, 2020
We interviewed Tyler Mcnally founder of The Last round media collective based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. What is the state of the modern media, journalism and how do different trends in capitalism express the news today and how alternative media needs to respond?
Links to the Last Round
Oct 17, 2020
We talk to Mike Haas from Boston USA an artist and game developer on role games play in society. This is the first part of a series of interviews investigating all sides Gaming and creativity and what socialists need to consider in the struggle to change society.
Oct 10, 2020
We spoke to the radical theatre group Townsend productions from the UK on the work they do, what inspires them and how art tells the stories of the workers movement that we need to know for future struggles. We also review their latest podcast performance on the spanish civil war “Dare Devil rides to Jarama” and...